Thursday 15 April 2010

And the best of your days will on vanish into haze when you're on drugs

I haven't blogged in ages and i apologise for it now.
I think this blog is aptly titled as I can still smell weed on my fingers from last night even though i specifically used a bunch of soap to wash my hands this morning. This is the first time I've blogged all holidays and quite alot has happened including no revising at all, not even picking up a book. A bunch of stuff was/kinda still is messed up but it has decreased a bit, i think.
Basically all I've done these holidays has revolved around smoking weed, which is pretty good. On Monday Sam, Michael and Holly came to my house while my parents were at work. We got high alot and me and holly got quite drunk on Gin and red shloer. Once drunk i proceeded to drag Sam upstairs. At this point Holly and Michael were still downstairs with loud music on. The left promptly when my mum came home to find people in her house and me and sam upstairs on my bed half naked. It was probably the worst moment of my life so far. Then everyone bailed and i had to conceal my drunkenness while having a horribly awkward and embarrassing conversation with my mother in which she thought i regularly took random boys home and would've fucked Sam if she hadn't come home. Neither of these were true, i also lied and said Sam was my boyfriend, but now he is so it's fine, just it's going to be horrible when Sam and my mum actually have to see each other again. Thankfully my dad doesn't know, or I'd be dead or have a chastity belt.
Other things I've done these holidays include being surrounded by geekiness a huge amount, it's not fun. For Robbie's birthday we watched geeky films at is, i didn't understand the films but it was good cause i got to fall asleep on Sam and get given free Doritos. And that night Sam asked me out only to later realise that it was his parents anniversary which makes it a little creepy.
The other half of me Holly (or hetero life partner) also has a boyfriend now. His name is Michael and he IS Italian whether he admits it or not. He has curly curly hair and is implausibly cute. Holly hates when we do couply things.
I'm struggling to think of other stuff i did these holidays. On Saturday some boy had a party i wasn't invited to cause he hates me for no reason and likes to be really mean to me alot. Alot of my friends went though, so instead afew of us got wasted at nuala's. I didn't have any alcohol of my own so thanks be to Erin for sharing her Vodka. That night we all got too drunk and argued. I argued with Sam in the middle of the street, turns out people we knew saw us. Then Nuala, Erin and Chloe all got upset after arguing. However fun points of the night include me and Erin going mental with Nuala's food and drunken dancing. I ate alot of the jam (with my fingers) because at the time i thought it was fucking amazing. Me and Erin also finished a whole pack of biscuits which were absolutely delicious, but Nuala was a goose and didn't want any. We then begged Nuala to make Sweet microwave popcorn which she finally allowed but it was too hot in the bag so me and Erin poured it all over the counter? It seemed logical at the time anyway. I didn't get home til 2 as i was trying to console people who were drunkenly crying and had to walk Sam home cause he's a baby.
Oh and on Sunday us 4 (Holly, Michael, Sam and me) went to Urban Chillax cause Holly was working there selling t-shirts. She was amusing, there was some amazing dancers and alot of really obscene dance groups. It was boring lots of the time but pretty good. That night i went to Chloe's and acted like a tool. I had found out something i didn't like just before so thought I'll get wasted to solve it(which i still maintain is a good motto). I spent a ton of the night crying and told people a bunch of stuff i really shouldn't of but did cause i was drunk. I drunkenly danced too and pulled someone which wasn't Sam which was stupid, and it was gross. Also screaming the words to Taking Back Sunday and jumping with Tomas was fun, we also bitched about people. Then for some reason me, Nuala, Trav and Tomas thought it'd be a good idea to walk home instead of getting a taxi. Chloe lives in Monifieth. It took ages and we all got annoyed at Trav cause he kept having a go at people's relationship status.
Also some gay 3rd years were shouting at our group in the ferry, naturally we all shouted at them to fuck off and stuff. Then one of the started fighting Michael. He punched Michael, Michale then punched him twice and he landed on the floor. The shit got kicked out of him, it was a win except now we have to be careful whenever Michael's in the Ferry, which is shit.
I'm gonna explain Sam more so he doesn't moan at me cause i talked of Micael lot ( I adore Michael). He works at a vet, and has a paper round so is always sleep deprived. He is a complete stoner and acts like a complete fag aroung animals- like a middle-aged women with newborn babies. He is in a funny Band with Michael and other people we're friends with and uses music lingo i don't understand and is quite snobby about music. He says cute stuff and likes to wind me up and eat cheese at breakfast. <3