Saturday 1 May 2010

tell me what you got away with, cause you left the frays from the ties you severed . ..

I again apologise hugely for not having blogged for ages, I'm forgetful and lazy.
So the remainder of the holidays i did no revision.
On the Thursday i celebrated my sisters birthday by getting drunk with her and her friends, i drank about 3 quarters of a bottle of gin to myself so it was a big mistake. The night was still really fun but i ended up telling her a bunch of stuff that now i regret and makes me cringe hugely, luckily she understands. We also had domino's pizza which since then i have become addicted to with Sam. So that night i got a taxi home at like god knows what time, I'm guessing 1? and then stumbled and fell up my stairs (i was informed of this by my mother) then proceeded to make it to the bathroom and throw up violently before going to bed.
The next day i felt terrible, for the first few hours i could only eat ice cubes because i couldn't stomach anything else. It was genuinely the most hungover I've ever been and when Sam mentioned a seafood platter i literally ran to the bathroom to throw up. He is the only person who can make me throw up just by saying words, i know, bet you wish your boyfriend could do that.That day i had a massive craving for pizza so made Sam come over specifically for that reason, t'was win. Pretty sure the pizza man now recognises me, and I've never been prouder.
On the Friday it was Nicole's house party which she had kept a secret from her parents. After shopping in town with her, her buying tonnes of new clothes and each of us some sort of epic brownie sundae i went home to get ready. I still was really put off drink but as usual that didn't really stop me. The night was weird, some penguin boy threw up everywhere which people had to clean up and we got kicked out at like half 10. It was ridiculous, surprisingly i wasn't too wasted and then walked Sam home cause he was very drunk. He had work the next day too which makes his decisions even worse.
So in conclusion, i didn't revise the whole holidays and as soon as i went back to school i was desperate to be off on study leave again. So far I've had my art and English exam, they both went fine.
Then there was Lori's party which was very good, highlights include me and Holly finding out after buying a bottle of peach schnapps that we hate it, Holly serenading everyone with Senorita by Justin Timberlake, me ko'ing literally everywhere, screaming at Holly, returning home to mine after ordering 3 taxi's then not getting in any of them but flagging one down and making microwave pasta. We also half ate cupcakes and a brownie pudding, t'was lovely.
I've also made Sam watch 90210 which he said was okay (probably a lie) and tonight is Paula's party which her mum has sweetly planned all out. It's called 'Paula's 16th in the city' and has a sex and the city theme obviously. It should be good, also I'm broke and have to give Lynzie £40 for blink182 tickets, Sam £23 for Biffy Clyro tickets and Paula money and a taxi home from her party, I'm pretty screwed I'd say.