Thursday 28 January 2010

look-at-me lips

i noticed the link didnt work on the first post, io dont know if this one will either but
it makes me inconcievably happy

I was just glancing through Elle and i'm seeing all these stupid non-sensical adverts which are annoying me yet somehow at the same time still convincing me to buy the product (if i had money) just for the fact it looks cool . . . ?
for example this phone advert, they've decided their best attempt at sales is to ask"What colour is your life?" everyone knows this doesnt make sense so just shut up, you advert, you
Plus if i was forced to answer this moronic question i'd say indigo or plum or perhaps deep forest green, maybe even silver
And what would you reply to that advert? you only do phones in pink, white, orange or yellow?
well that sucks, perhaps your advert title should've been "Is the colour of your life orange, yellow, white or pink?, if yes buy this"
but even then who would think 'the colour of my life is so obviously white' unless you were obsessive compulsive? stupid stupid stupid
I think you all now understand how i get nothing done ever

Yeah so we're not going to the Prodigy anymore and i don't even really know why, holly didn't want to go and i wasn't hugely opposed to her thinking so we sold the tickets, plus if we had ended up in seating i probably would've cried myself to sleep repeatedly for weeks . .. maybe
and moneys always fun to have and when i say have i mean slowly squander it and then wonder where it went.

no real other news, except my ny sofas are getting delivered. I'm betting theyre going to be vile. We'll see . . .

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