Wednesday 10 March 2010

gay elephant

I'm in an extremely bad mood. I'm not too sure why but the fact that i have to learn a whole french writing test for tomorrow, have a maths prelim on Monday that I'm gonna fail and am gonna have a shit birthday are all contributing factors. lose.

I thought the story of the first time I got drunk might make for interesting reading.

It was the first week of last summer, i had stolen a bottle of red wine from my kitchen and was in the ferry with Grant, Connor, Mark, Holly, Iona and later Aaron.
It was probably like half 7ish or so when we got to the beach. We were just chatting and things and had just opened the wine which only me and Holly were drinking, at this point we had only had afew sips. Then we noticed Police going about very near in their car alot, Holly jumped to the logical thought of burying the unsealed wine in the sand. The police got out the car and came over to us about 5 minutes later, at this point i was thinking 'smart move stanspus'. The police asked afew pointless questions such as: "What're you up to?" etc and then left. We then proceeded to dig for the wine and began to drink it again, realising burying it poorly with a loose top in the sand was a bad idea. Needless to say we tasted sand for the rest of the night. So seeing as it was my first time drinking a reasonable amount i got drunk very fast. I drank too much. Before i was horrendously drunk some hot American guy who was on holiday swap here was talking to us, i don't remember much apart from he was hot and he had tattoos? After he left it appears the wine kicked in as me, Holly and Iona decided we should go and look for him, obviously we couldn't find him and by then i felt sick and wasn't enjoying the unfamiliar dizzy, spinning sensation that was constantly surrounding me. For the remainder of the night it gets blurry, i remember chasing Grant, Connor and Mark with Holly possibly because they had stolen our shoes. I also remember they buried them really deep and they took ages to find, the drunkenness didn't help. Aaron arrived at some point during this palava, then i felt really sick and kept saying so. Then i said that i was gonna throw up .. . . sadly i wasn't lying. I can't imagine it was pretty, at least i only threw up pure wine not food. I then proceeded to profusely apologise to everyone around me a million times. literally. Grant and Connor then had to walk/carry me home, i was hopeless. They were very late home because of me. I then stumbled into the house still very obviously drunk. My mother asked me if i was drunk to which i replied something along the lines of: "What no? I'm not drunk, you're drunk, Are you drunk?" Making it blindingly obvious that i was disgustingly drunk. I then fell upstairs into my room and knocked EVERYTHING over. My mum followed me upstairs to accuse me more. Following that i KO'd in my bed fully dressed, the next day i was meant to be helping at a church ( i know, ironic) holiday club that i couldn't get out of. It started just before 9. I knew what Hell felt like that morning. With a killer headache but overly perky attitude to hide my being hungover i attended the Holiday Club thing. I literally was scared i was going to throw up all over the hall in front of everyone that's how shit and sick-prone i felt. Thankfully i didn't. Then my downwards spiral into alcoholism began and sadly and pathetically, I've never looked back since.

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