Monday 8 March 2010

run and hide, away from me

sozzz for not blogging regularly D:
ive been busy and such with homework and having a social life and all (x

so this weekend and curent events and such
On friday night i went to see the much anticipated Alice In Wonderland newly directed by Tim Burton in 3D, i dont think ive ever seen a film in 3D at the cinema before but it was amazing (the film and the 3D-ness) I would highly recommend seeing it, its so good (x
On saturday i went in town with lucy cowpland and we had carrot cake, it was yummy. I tried on awesome high heels and felt godly and bought a fuel which i physically couldnt want anymore right now Dx On saturday night i went to nicoles with nuala nad and erin, it was pretty fun except me and nuala had to walk through Gillies Park in the pitch dark to get to nicoles and just about literally wet ourselves in fear. It didnt help that at nicoles we watched Sorority Row which was soo scary and gory so i gad my eyes shut about 90% of the time. Then me and nuala had to walk home but when we got outside the graveyard we were such pussies we had to run :L
The next day i met a hungover jamie in town and we wnt to the McManuc Galleries, it was good. And there was a bear there which was the highlight, although it was either dead and stuffed or fake so that was a bit of a sucky thought. Then we went to Jamies and watched the mummy 1 and 2, by 2 it was getting cheesy and cliche also it was like 3 hours long but jamies amusing so its all good. (x
Today was non uniform which i left down to the last minute(rebellious i know), could i live life anymore on the edge? Hell No
We had a needle stuch in our arms too, incase of cervical cancer. However i looked this up and apparentlty only people who are highly sexually active with an infected person are likely to contract it so . . . i don't think im included in this?
My lunchtime sunday has to be mentioned purely cause it's so freaking Godly, i like die just thinking of it, i know i have no life
Oh yeah and tomorrow we're off so i can lie in with my electric blanket, i may well eat a sundae whilst doing so which would make it the single best day ever.
In other news, i turn 16 on thursday. That means i'm like a huge adult and such xD and i still have to ask my parents about having a small gathering for which they will hopefully go away overnight. I am skeptical of their reaction. However it won't be a small gathering, it will be a party, there will be lots of alcohol and drugs too probably which of course = win (x
Also my parents know i have a boyfriend now, cause apparently i forgot to close down my facebook, so of course they examined the whole thing and then quizzed me who's jamie? At this point i was like wtf, how did you know?? then they acted all smart and i stormed upstairs for effect and of course cause im a teenager :/
that is all

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