Thursday 18 March 2010

i'm an addict for dramatics, i confuse the two for love

I apologise for not blogging in so long, sincerely. I've been busy with idiot school: art folio deadline and maths 2nd prelims. What's the point in a second prelim you ask? Oh there's no point, y'know just for fucking lolz, yeah. It makes me sick. Anyway onto my last weekend. So i probably cried more last week than i have in a lonnnnng time. Friday paid a large part in this: It started fine. In the afternoon we went to see Romeo and Juliet on a school trip to St Andrews, although lunch was very yummy the play was shit. I fell asleep in the first half and Holly fell asleep in the second. However it was hilarious when Sam was asking me and Holly if we thought he was hot and making it really awkward (he forced us to say yes btw). We were fed up of the awkwardness so resorted to turning to girls from a different school in front of us and asking then what they thought of him, ha ha. They said he wasn't hot but they'd be generous and say he was cute. We then went on to discuss hot guys who were also watching the play, it was pure win and embarrassed Sam which is of course always a plus. That night me and Holly went to Hustlers (the place where Holly previously had her drink spiked, is really scummy and doesn't give a fuck about under-agers). Hour Assault were playing, that Michael, Darren, Sam and now Fraser. They were good but needless to say i got really quite drunk and spent alot of the night crying too much. Then some weird 20ish year old girls started talking to us in the bathroom cause we were all intoxicated. We later found out that they were on MD MA when they told us, then noticed their pupils were actually HUGE. It was kind of funny. They then made us dance to them to screamo bands, it was peculiar. Then i got cheesy chips and called Mikey Lolville while drunk. We then got the bus to the ferry while i continued to cry profusely which was shit but as i sobered up towards the very end of the night it was okay, just freezing. Walking home with Gary was pretty hilarious and after i realised that walking alone at like 12 along the badly lit front is not something i can handle. I was still thinking of that stupid scary movie i watched a couple of weeks ago at nicoles and it creeped me out so much i had to walk in the middle of the road cause whatever side of the pavement i moved to i was paranoid something would jump out at me, i could only face putting one headphone in and resorted to texting everyone to distract myself. On Saturday i went in town with Holly, it started off wierdly funny (Holly'll know what i'm talking about lolzz) but we then bought me heels for my birthday which i adore <3 Later i met jamie and we went to the secret garden and then to robbies for a bit. Later we walked along to Travs after finding out he was having an inpromto party, i was a bit gutted at first cause i had no alcohol. But then i saw Erin there who was totallt, totally fucked and she gave me a half bottle of a bunch of stuff mixed up, it was pretty strong. I got drunk quickly and spent the night dancing, kissing jamie in the corner and half-heartedly holding Holly up. She was way more drunk. Yeah, so it was a win. I don't know what time we left but me and jamie stayed at lewis' house. I had to get up and leavelewis' at 10 the next day which was horrendous. Me, Holly and my parents were going to Glasgow that day shopping and then to see YM@6. I was very disappointed as there was absolutely nothing i wanted to buy so i actually could've had a lie-in. Fail. Anyway i was pretty much in a weird shitty mood all day as my mind was on other things, but i had a yummy tea at pizza hut and then me and Holly were off to you me at 6, get this- sober -i know what the actual fuck? We had no alcohol is only why tbh, :L. Yeah so we had to get 3 taxi's to get to the right place cause we kept going to a slightly diffrent place than the one we meant. D: When we got there it was freezing and the queue was actually HUGE, seriously HUGE. So we queue jumped in with Rob and stuff. (x We were so fucking cold before we got in but Forever the Sickest Kids were already on when we were allowed inside so Holly grabbed my hand and we ran and pushed to the front. I don't really like them as a band cause they're pretty gay but it was funny. We The Kings were on next, they were good. I like them quite a bit, i think at some point during them playing i lost my shoes leaving me in only tights which was very sore. Then ym@s came on. They were amazing obviously, and i was beyond boiling. It was amazing.
Not so fun was the school week, in which i got so stressed i reapetedly cried in front of my parents and got disgusting skin. Well now it's going to be the weekend, hopefully it'll be good (:

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