Sunday 28 March 2010

The page is out of print, we are not permanent, we're temporary, temporary Same old story

I really like Foo Fighters at the moment, they're so angry and such.
Also i have stopped being all emo about my life for the most part so its all good.
This weekend has been crazy, it was going swimmingly well until Saturday night.
Friday was amazing. We went to Costa's to see Kts band, Seams, they were really good. My personal favourites were the covers of 'I love you baby' and 'a decade under the influence-taking back Sunday', as well as 'Foster starts fire'. They were amazing and had a very good crowd. After we got chips and cheese and they were so good that they prove there definitely is a god. Holly was super excited to see Grant and walked to the bus stop with him and in return received many a pan iced call from me cause Sam and stuff were dying to get to castle green to smoke weed. We proceeded to smoke alot when we arrived there, and it was pretty awesome. Then me Darren and Jamie T. walked along to Lewis' and met all the rest of those guys in there. Once there i realised there was about 5 times as many people there as i expected and that it was an actual Brodieparty. I of course proceeded to get very drunk and smoke a bit more, the whole place was smokey, it was kinda funny. So i got really drunk and wasn't doing a god job of standing up right, i also told everyone individually that i loved them. I also literally said to Lewis 'Thank you for having me' 93128478633 times. I really don't remember much else apart from when we arrived at Archie's and we were talking to his mum and some other women and i was trying really much to act normal, apparently i did a pretty damn good job. Then i KO'd on Archie's bed cause I'm greedy. The next day i felt like utter shit and had partially lost my voice. I also had no idea where the house i was in was located so picked a random direction and hoped i was going the right way, which i was, win. Yeah so i had to get the bus home looking like shit with last nights clothes and make-up on and then it was promptly to tesco's to get me some aspirin and various sugar-filled drinks. I felt like shit, later me and Holly went into town and got me a playsuit and baked potato before rushing home to grab my stuff and bail to Holly's to get ready for Shaun's House Party. I was in a shit mood cause my heels wouldn't stay on my feet and i had been informed that certain people who i find it difficult to be around would be at the party. So it took us ages to get to Shaun's, then i again proceeded to get very drunk, like so much it was the drunkest I've ever been very very bad decision, but it was accidental. Holly also went way too far, we suck. I felt awful this morning and have no idea whatsoever what happened but so far I've been told that i pulled Holly without prompting, didn't stand up much and spent 99% of the time crying, so total fail. Today i have never felt worse, i have no idea what i actually did last night so its horrible and I'm really paranoid. Also i feel sick, like i threw up alot, got sick in my hair. Also my thigh and arm are actually ripped to pieces for some reason. My left arm is literally purple and my right has a bruise the size of a golf ball on it. Needless to say my mum thinks I'm a creep. I have no idea how i got injured so i had to fabricate a story about falling in my heels to shut my parents up. Now my mum is being really moany about the laptop.

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