Sunday 21 March 2010

'Hey' is for horses you douchebag, and it's a stupid greeting anyway

Today i was forced to spend the entire day tidying my room, of course i spent it instead on MLIA, FML, IMMD and facebook and pretended to tidy whenever my mum came through, she soon caught on to this. What she did not catch on to was the fact that instead of tidying the mess i put most of my stuff under my bed and in drawers, i think i win. She then tried to tell me that it would be so nice if my room was like this all the time. I said it was a ridiculous statement as lots of things 'would' be nice such as having a slide instead of stairs. My mum ignored me and continued her rant, my reply after 5 minutes of her talking at me was maybe i would keep my room tidy if i had a slide for stairs.
Looking at what I've written it appears IMMD and MLIA have drastically rubbed off on me today.
In case you couldn't tell from this blog title and content I'm in a shit mood. My weekend wasn't very good at all, i did however complete another first i can add to the list. Buying weed myself. Usually i just have other peoples, probably cause I'm a selfish bitch.
Friday was spent with Holly mildly drunk, i wasn't (shock horror). However i didn't mind because i had chips and cheese. This is my new favourite thing, i love it more than almost everything atm. So anyway we spent the majority of the night in the net of the rope climbing frame at Castle Green. It was freezing so i was basically on top of Holly for warmth and i got mildly bored so resorted to having one of Holly's headphone while we both sang wildly out of tune funny songs. T'was good.
On Saturday i bought Iona's birthday present and myself some new shoes seeing as i had literally had like one pair that broke my feet when i wore them. I still have to order new clothes and shoes off the Internet too. (x Saturday night just went in the ferry again. Michael found cigarettes on the ground which we then smoked this then led us to the argument of whether it was scummy or not. I argued it wasn't as they were in a packet, it would have been a waste if we hadn't and because the packet had cigarettes in it it wasn't scummy but logical of course. In my head i still know it's scummy, but as i am with most things I'm past caring.
Also i finally got around to watching Lady Gaga's new Telephone video and although it apparently cost like £1million to make i still prefer the Bad Romance video, although this is probably because of the outfits.
In other news: ew school.