Tuesday 9 March 2010

head on my shoulder, my shoulder, my shoulder

So my friend (if you could call her that since I'm like attached to her) Holly has a blog also 'You need a thneed'. She posted an entry detailing the firsts of 2009 and 2010 for her. She also detailed some previous years. Below is my response to this. Before reading you must keep in mind that until summer last year i was a non-swearing, non-drinking, non-smoking, chastity-believing devout christian baptist.
This probably seems impossible to believe if you've ever met me or read this blog but yeah things change. It was when i started being friends with Holly, and I'm a lot happier and content now to when i was all christiany so i guess its okay. And before reading i warn you, don't judge me (x

Firsts of 2009

1)Getting really drunk

2) Stealing alcohol from my house, a lot of alcohol- we had no other way to get alcohol so resorted to constantly stealing from my house, we were never caught seriously. The only problem is that now there's nothing left to steal. Dx

3) Smoking weed- i was drunk i smoked weed, i was annoyed at myself when i sobered up. Then i realised i couldn't care so do it whenever i want.

4) Smoking a cigarette- i was drunk, i smoked. Now i like it way too much and would do it sober given the opportunity.

5) Wanting to die from stupid drunken mistakes- anyone who has met me probably know what i mean here, but lots of drunken things I've done have made me want to die too.

6) Lied to a ridiculous extent to lots of people- me pretending to be a good daughter and christian was hard to keep up, now it's pretty much known by most that my way is just pure scum now.

7) Kissed people who have girlfriends, i know this is hideously wrong but i was very very drunk when it happened.

8) Kissed a girl- drunk, that is all.

9) Took poppers- i did this before i had even gotten drunk, wtf? But yeah i still maintain it's not really a drug. However at the time me and holly didn't realise we were idiots who would do way too much and have our lips turn blue from lack of blood flow and almost pass out and faint many times. It also caused us skin diseases, but only because we did it too much/wrong.

10)Kissed a boy- i know its ridiculously old for first time to kiss a boy, but remember i was a christian who was only supposed to kiss people that i was dating and were also Christians. Also it was the single worst kiss I've ever experienced.

11) Kissed a lot of people in 1 night.- I can't remember numbers here, but I think 4 or more is the most in 1 night, needless to say i was drunk and regretted about 50% of the people i kissed the next day.

12) Thrown up for a reason other than being ill- Drunk obviously, i did this with wine the first time i got drunk, it was repulsive. Since then it's become a regular occurrence and tbh no one thinks anything of it anymore.

13) Punched someone- In actual fact they deserved it but i was drunk so apologised afew weeks afterwards.

14) Went on holiday with one of my best friends- Holly, Florida, Best time ever.(x

15) Embraced my emo fag taste in music- At first Holly was unaccepting, however she got used to it and i enjoyed it.

Firsts of 2010

1) Crashing a party on New Year, surrounded by people we didn't know me and holly lied horrifically about our age and careers and i got in with some dream boy American called Aaron.

2) Kissing someone significantly older than me (Aaron was 20) Shut up, its not weird.

4) Stayed over at a boys house.

3) Being properly in love with someone, i don't care how cliche or stupid this sounds because it's true. (:

4) Started blogging about my retardedness.

5) Used punctuation in a blog- I know, how weird? (:

6) As holly delicately put it, discovered a boy from the waist down.

7) Not pulled a bunch of people i don't like at a party- Thanks goes to Jamie for this. (:

8) Had family members try to talk to me about sex- Ew

That's all i can think of right now. I like how you can see my gradual spiral into scuminess in list form, beautiful.

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