Monday 15 February 2010

beeeeat eet eet eet

today i've had Lying is the most fun . . . -panic! at the disco and regina spektor stuck in my head, all day It was actually pretty good considering i usually get songs i cant stand stuck in my head (x

SIDENOTE- from now on to avoid confusion jamie williams will be refered to as 'jamie (j.e.w.)' because of his initials and jamie other one will probsies just be called jamie or jamie thomas, that is all

So saturday night was fun, alot of fun . . . from what i can remember lolzzz
First was Sam and Sophies thing which was good Sams costume was amusing as was sophies (: i didnt dress up because i lack personality and spare time to think of costumes so i wore a dress which was equally as good and more practical

Yeah so after their thing was a sort-of after party at the beach/castle green, thats when things start to get blurry, very blurry We had hidden our alcohol in bushes outside (so so classy i know) so after retrieving that we preceeded to drink a bit too much a bit too fast I saw erin a bit later that night though and she was so drunk it was a different league, twas hilarious
Tbh i dont remember much else, i was with jamie alot apparently which i rememberish and i got a taxi at one but i cant think of anything else
Oh yeah im pretty sure at liams i huddled myself into a ball on his porch and stayed like that for like 20 minutes?? but who knows? :S

On sunday(valentines) me, michael, darren and jamie (j.e.w.) went to hollys friends magazine launch thing as holly starred in the magazine. Darren was scum so it was consequensely quite hilarious, also holly dressed me up as a red mermaid (x or thats what i refer to reference it as

Also i've noticed i've lost alot of weight, it hit me on sunday when shorts that usually fit well/on the tight side were baggy on me, then i seriously looked in the mirror and was like hmmmmm *annoyed tone* and commenced to up my eating regime

Sunday night me holly erin and nicole went to nualas it was good but a bit of a fail as we all were really tired so went home ridiculously early
Today jamie (j.e.w.) came round to mine ridiculously early(noticing a theme here?) which was gooood, he wanted me to make him a breakfast, i declined, he also totally wanted to watch twilight on dvd with all the extras XD joking but his middle names edward and he lives on edward street or whatever so its obviously hes really secretly obsessed with it
then he went to the dentist and i watched skins and desperate housewifes and had a delicious bowl of mircowave pasta (x

also my mum said the dress i wore on saturday was 'a bit dominatrix for a 15 year old' wasn't it? i just lol'd obviously

it was a truly lovely 4 day weekend XD