Monday 8 February 2010

holly you shant read this, weekend = win

so my recent post were all like, urghhh scholl, i better not have a shit weekend or i'll kill myself. Good news lads, i'm not killing myself
This weekend was pretty amazing, i was really skeptical on friday though
On friday it was some gig at the factory which was good i guess but they search and breathilise you on the way in and theres always a bunch of literal 2 year olds there
Anyway the bands were good - hour assault, Sorry, you're a wiener was played by As he Falls (credits to holly for the awesome play on words with the shikari song) (x
After that we all went to liams and i got vvvvery drunk even though i didnt bring any alcohol, it was a win and a half There was alot of punching too but i missed it
The next day i was lazy until liam woke up then me and jamie had to try and help him tidy the house, including the sick filled bath tub, that was awesome to say the least
Then i had to go home and eat as i hadnt since lunch the previous day D: and i had to tidy before heading to nualas to get ready to go to travz Tbh i thought travz was overly hyped and thought liams party was better. At travs ambulances were called and we left at like 11 I stayed at lewis' with a bunch of people, to summarise the kitchen is fucking freezing and boys play way too much cod
All in all, very very good weekend

oh yeah but holly wasnt there so that was a sucky bit and i kept on being a drunken idiot on the phone to her and others, in general i was just a total twat whenever on the phone this entire weekend XD

the endxxxxxxxxxxxx

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