Wednesday 10 February 2010


my parents think im ridiculous nowadays, or 'burning the candle at both ends' as they like to say it like a fag
i also have to 'get my priorities straight and stop drinking evrey weekend' because i'm 'only 15'
i was swift to remind them that i wasn't Lindsay Lohan despite what seems to be their popular opinion, so now i'm just avoiding them as much as possible
God bless the person who thought up the 'reject call' button on phones (:

My lack of sleep is what helped them cotton on to this 'prioritize' and 'stop drinking' crap. Today i fell asleep on the living room floor infront of my tea which was a new sleep deprived low.
This is unrelated but i really hate that now i can't use the phrase, 'it was a new low . . ' because i literally can't hit new lows tbh, everytime i use this phrase holyl is swift to say 'really caitlin? was it really?' and even if she doesnt i know it in my head that it totally isnt Mainly it lost all its meaning after darrens 16th . . . ew

In other news it's a 4day weekend XD, lets hope it's at least half as good as last weekend was
Seeing as its sophies and sams party and i have gin left from last weekend it damn well should be

in other other news everyone around me is either being strange awkward or glum and im fucking fed up of it, people said things, we know, we now all have to forget and move on before it pisses me off and upsets me further

roll on fucking weekend

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