Sunday 21 February 2010

mephadrone is a peculiar read

to be honest alot of the time it annoys me that some people i know read this because i cant speak about certain things or people or say my true views which makes me resent the blog, its beyond retarded

right now im feeling ridiculously melancholy and have been pretty much all day, it sucks
i feel like crying, i couldnt stop crying on friday either, it was shit Im clearly pregnant and hollys the father
But seriously feelings and body STFU

anyway my weekend
on friday i went to liams, it wasnt very exciting but it was fun
On sat >>>> and now im crying again, im fucking pregnant
anyway on saturday i went in town with lucy, we boughts abi's birthday gift
We also spent like 20 minutes in the ridiculously freezing cold during which the whole time i was pining for jamies pockets and hands, and also holly's fur coat pockets and looking for the right street to find this cafe which lucy claims has the best carrot cake ever
Then it was closed D: it was a disaster so Lucy took me on a date to the pancake place and we had chips (x
i bought myself some nice bug earrings and an eyeliner so it was a win

That night people were meant to be staying at mine but in the end holly had a free house so we all went there
We had like no alcohol so me and holly resorted to drinking very little very quickly
Then i threw up quite alot
which was wierd as all i'd eaten all day was 4 chocolate biscuits and a fuel
so i got quite drunk and spent most of the night with jamie (:
the night ended very wierdly and kindof awkwardly before holly kicked us out
today i went to abi's for lunch and then went to the cinema to see 'valentines day' which wasnt as bad as it sounds, twas pretty good
this guy who was an absolute dick to me when i was drunk and took advantage was there with what i can only assume was his gf, i thought it was pretty ironic

in conclusion i had a pretty good weekend i think

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