Thursday 4 February 2010


this is gonna be a short post as i have a ton of homework i havent started cause im an idiot

i got my clothes off the internet (x except i am only keeping 1 or 2 things, everything fits funny and it makes me feel sick. Poor quality website. So i literally have nothing to wear to the massive party on saturday and no time to think of outfits. Looks like thats my saturday planned - trying on everything i own ever x(

On other topics i HATE being unsure or confused about plans, seriously like so much
and my mother is bothering me
gawd i hate homework
so in conclusion today pretty much sucked, like kinda alot
roll on weekend, and if its not an improvement im killing myself by monday
im joking but yeah seriously

aw i hate decisions
i bet this was a fun post to read, im getting shitfaced this weekend to make up for todays suckiness

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